Raft Up - Sail, Sun, and lots of Fun!!

Sail, Sun, and lots of Fun!!
Saturday, July 27 at 11:00 am is the BS&BC Midsummer Raft-Up . All club members are welcome. Bring your sailboat, dingy, motorboat, paddleboard or floating flamingo. We have space for everyone!!
Location: Just on the other side of the lift bridge, north of the canal, along the Burlington Beach Strip. Keep an eye out for Underway.
Time: We will catch the 11:00 am bridge.* Please note the bridge only opens on the hour so if you miss the 11:00 am you will need to wait until 12:00 pm for the next opening. BTW It takes about 20 to 30 minutes to get to the bridge.
If you plan to go for a sail, we ask that you do so before or after the raft-up at 11:15.
Raft Up: Once Underway drops anchor, we can approach one at a time to raft up against her. Depending on how many boats join we might need a few more people to drop anchor. Please let me know if you can help with anchoring.
Raft Up Information: If it is your first time to raft up no worries, we got you. Put your fenders out on both sides of the boat, have mooring lines ready to pass to your neighbour and approach slowly.
- Rafting Up 101: How to Safely Raft Up with Other Boats
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZQetXAs-KY
- https://canadianboating.ca/how-to-diy/seamanship/raft-up/
What to bring: Appetizers to share, water to stay hydrated, and a swimsuit if you wish. Mine is ready
Join the FUN!!
No Boat: If you don't have a boat and want to join just reply to this email and we will match you up with someone that has a boat. Space is limited, bring a lifejacket and food to share.
Have a Boat: Those with boats and have space for a few extra people let me know the number of people that you can bring along.
Weather: If there are winds from the east the waves will make the raft-up more challenging. In that case, we will meet up at Carrol's Point on the bay. Doug Edwards on Underway will let us know by 10:00 am.
Warm winds!
Last updated 7:27pm on 13 March 2025